Maggie’s MailBox - Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Do your dogs, Dudley or Gracie, know how to answer the telephone?
No. Although I personally believe that they are brilliant, they have not mastered the telephone and are unable to listen to voice messages. Since they are the only other full-time residents here at home-based Maggie’s MailBox, you can be assured that no one else will listen to your voice messages or learn your credit card numbers.
2. Egad! Your pricing is so confusing! What can I do?
Be comforted in knowing that many of my customers share your opinion. It is intentionally confusing to make you feel inadequate and require you to call me and talk to me personally. You see, sometimes I get very lonely here at Maggie’s MailBox and need that voice contact.
3. Seriously, how do I know what to charge myself for your cards?
Well, the nice thing is that the computer magically knows how to charge you even if you make a mistake. Usually the mistake is in your favor as so many of my customers want to overcharge themselves.
4. Is the minimum order 50 cards of one kind or 50 cards total?
Fifty cards total.
5. This discount thing baffles me. Can I mix and match cards in any categories and still accrue a discount based on the total order quantity?
Absolutely yes.
6. Can I order with other associates and earn discounts that way?
Absolutely yes.
7. Is there any catch to this?
Not really. I just ask that you order any kind of card in multiples of ten. That’s the way they are counted and packaged on the shelf .
8. What if we want to pay separately?
Okay, now you’re being difficult but absolutely yes again. If necessary, I can create separate invoices and charge separate credit cards.
9. I’d rather use American Express. Why won’t you accept it?
Offering Amex could increase processing costs so Maggie’s MailBox is set up to accept only Visa and MasterCard.
11. How quickly will I receive my cards?
Now that’s a more reasonable question. Most cards are stocked and can ship the same day or the day after the order is received. Most orders ship via UPS, and you can expect your package within 5 business days.
12. Can I ask for a rush shipment?
If you’re willing to pay for it.
13. Do you sell my email address to spammers?
Absolutely, positively not! I only ask for your email address to confirm orders and to answer questions or provide specific information.
14. I’m concerned about identity theft and misuse of my credit card. What can you tell me to reassure me?
Do you think that the CIA is following you and bugs are crawling the walls too? Seriously, I understand your concern. I can’t always be available to personally speak to you over the phone but absolutely no one else listens to my office voice messages. My computer holds the credit card information from your most recent order. If you are a repeat customer and don’t want to leave your credit card number again, you can just tell me to charge the card number on file. To verify, you could tell me the last 4 digits and expiration date just to make sure I’m using the right one.
If you’re still concerned, you can leave your order information and ask me to call you back for your credit card number. I understand your reluctance, especially if you’re a new customer. However, because of the nomadic life and hectic pace of the successful realtor and mortgage banker, this often delays the processing and shipment of your order. If you can live with that, so can I.
Maggie’s MailBox retains a copy of all invoices and stores them for as long as the IRS requires. After that point, I shred them before tossing them into the recycling bin.
Are you feeling more comfortable now? If not, is there something else I can do to assist you in parting with your hard-earned dollars in exchange for a marvelous self-promotional product?
15. Can you customize the cards for me?
Anything can be done for a price in the printing industry but making even one small change on a card requires a separate printing run and is usually expensive unless ordering in quantities of 500 or more. It involves a separate price quotation and will take more time to get your cards. I usually don’t order less than 3,000 cards at any one time in order to reduce my costs and pass my savings on to my valuable customers.